Renovating for the first time? 4 golden tips

Congratulations on your purchase of a home in need of renovation! Time to roll up your sleeves and to get out those hammers and paint brushes. Here are four golden tips to keep your renovation on track. Good luck, Bob(ette) the Builder!

1) Make a realistic schedule and cost estimate

Make a realistic estimate of how long the renovation work will take and how much it will cost. Allow enough margin, because there will always be a surprise here and there. Did you know that it is often more cost-efficient to take out a renovation loan together with your mortgage loan? If your renovations cut your energy by at least 50% or improve your burglary protection or fire safety, you become eligible for an interesting green energy and safety loan. Ka-ching!

2) Go for durable materials

Bear in mind that quality materials often cost less in the long run when you are choosing your bathroom or kitchen, for example. Durable materials last longer and add more to the value of your home in case you ever want to sell it again. Our floors have a wooden top layer, which makes them durable, but environmentally friendly and stylish as well. Win-win-win! And if you invest in at least three ecological components, such as insulation and sustainable heating options, you become eligible for an overall renovation premium. Yet another way to save money!

Also read: Veneer flooring: nothing but advantages

3) Renovate step by step

Be smart and don't tear down every wall you can right away. Approach your renovation step by step. This allows you to save up for the next job. If you are planning to live in the house or apartment while you are renovating, it is even smarter to renovate each room separately or even each floor separately to keep your living situation pleasant. Upstairs; good. Downstairs; bad. Pssst, you can easily install all our floors yourself. So no extra installation costs!

Also read: Laying parquet flooring: getting started 

4) Keep your spirits high

Renovations require a lot of time, money and energy. After a busy day at work, you get into those overalls to get back to it. And you seem to spend most of your weekends screeding. There will undoubtedly come a time when you have had enough and you begin to regret ever starting your project. In that case, take a day off, engage in a relaxing activity and remember that you will soon be living in your dream home. No pain, no gain!

And when the renovation work is approaching the end, you get to choose the perfect Parky flooring collection for each room. 
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