What wood you do … if you spill wine on your Parky floor?

What wood you do … if you spill wine on your Parky floor?

This is how to remove stains from your veneer parquet

Do you like to have the occasional glass of wine in the salon? Then an accident is never far away. And on your beautiful parquet floor no less! What would you do in this predicament? We have a few pointers for you!

Tick-tock, wine o’clock

 Having a glass of wine with friends is always a cosy affair. But what if someone accidentally spills their glass of Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon on your light-coloured wood floor? Sprinkle salt on it? Pour soda water over it? Not at all, all you need to do is clean your parquet inside twelve hours with water and maybe a dash of Parky Wood Floor Cleaner.

Goodbye and good riddance

The Parky Wood Floor Cleaner is super easy in use. Even after a few glasses of wine you’ll have no problem removing any stain. Take a bucket, pour a bit of the product, add water and dip your mop. Wring it out carefully and mop that floor! The wine stain comes out in the blink of an eye and your veneer parquet receives another protective coat for your next get-together. And that is just one of the many benefits of a Parky floor. Another glass?

Also discover how to handle scratches in your oak floor.

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